In this family saga, Mrs. Parkington recounts the story of her life, beginning as a hotel maid in frontier Nevada where she is swept off her feet by mine owner and financier Augustus Parkington. He mo...
这一天,小老鼠杰瑞被汤姆追得慌不择路。突然,他听到附近传来了呼救声。声音来自大狗史派克(比利·布兰彻 Billy Bletcher 饰),他被捉狗队关进汽车里,只好哀求杰瑞帮他逃出牢笼。在杰瑞的帮助下,史派克重获自由,为了答谢小恩人,史派克承诺杰瑞遇到困难时,只要吹口哨他就会立刻赶到。不久,杰瑞落入汤姆的猫爪,眼看就要成了汤姆的早餐,杰瑞情急之中吹响口哨,史派克便如一阵风赶来,狠狠教训了汤姆。...
An ambitious newspaper reporter (Dick Powell), eager to scoop the competition, wishes he could know the news before it happens. A mysterious old man (John Philliber) grants the reporter that power, ev...