When a malevolent force takes hold in the kingdoms of Agonos, a lone knight must embark on a perilous quest to find the last dragon, and save the world from this great and growing evil....
We all like to think we are in control of our lives - of what we feel and what we think. But scientists are now discovering this is often simply an illusion.
Surprising experiments are revealing tha...
Around the world, a new generation of astronomers are hunting for the most mysterious objects in the universe. Young stars, black holes, even other forms of life.
They have created a dazzling new se...
勞利布魯斯特(Lawrie Brewster)的新電影《屍偶》(Automata)發布了首支預告,看起來是一部歷史背景的哥德式恐怖電影,幕後團隊曾經製作過《鴉之殘》(The Unkindness of Ravens)與《黑手套》(The Black Gloves)。目前這部電影已經設定將在今年的葛拉斯高影展(Glasgow Film Festival)上進行世界首映。 導演布魯斯特表示:...
When a malevolent force takes hold in the kingdoms of Agonos, a lone knight must embark on a perilous quest to find the last dragon, and save the world from this great and growing evil....