The Unheard follows 20-year-old Chloe Grayden (Lachlan Watson), who after undergoing an experimental procedure to restore her damaged hearing, begins to suffer from auditory hallucinations seemingly...
青春充满着无限的可能,年少的我们都为热血的体育着迷过,我们为自己喜爱的队伍呐喊,为耀眼的胜利而欢呼,为无奈的失败而流泪。我们长大了,但我们依然舍不掉那份存在心底为体育而跳动的心。本剧改编自同名热门电影《Friday Night Lights》,以德克萨斯州一个美丽的小镇Dillon为中心,这里深深着迷于全美橄榄球锦标赛,整个小镇的幸福就是橄榄球赛。Dillon最有冠军相的高中橄榄球队拥有最棒的...
穆斯林恐怖组织势力日益强大,为了挫败他们的国际阴谋,FBI探员罗伊·克莱顿(盖·皮尔斯 Guy Pearce 饰)被派遣着手调查。然而在调查中,他意外发现,许多线索表明前特战军官塞莫·霍恩(唐·钱德尔 Don Cheadle 饰)与某恐怖组织有着密切的联系。霍恩本是CIA卧底探员,苏丹裔穆斯林的他很容易就打入了恐怖组织内部。但穷追不舍搜索证据的克莱顿觉察出,如今的霍恩早已不是单纯的卧底。随着调查步...
Chased by commandos, Agent Nick Morgan is on the run in the multiverse! To escape, he jumps between parallel Earths including a polluted industrial hellscape, a planet where dinosaurs evolved into h...
In the year 2029, on the verge of an amazing breakthrough in whale communication, a married marine biologist and aquatic engineer are caught in a catastrophic global disaster that separates them fro...