A controversial affair unfolds when a young man, Glen, manipulates his stepmother, Lorraine and her sister, Leilanie, to fall for him to exact revenge on his father, Mauro. But there is twist and Gl...
Nigel Watkins is a farmer and vice-world champion sheepdog handler. Together with his partner, Janet, he runs his little farm Llanddeusant in the Brecon Beacons National Park in the south of Wales. Fa...
A main character of the incest movie "Gli sfiorati", in english is also known as Drifters, is Mète. He is 30 yeras old graphologist, enchanted by the secrets that can reveal the human hand...
The series is a mysterious crime series with a horror twist and is based on the international bestseller by Bavo Dhooge. Styx is a corrupt policeman whose body washes up on the beach. He opens his eye...