We all think we know about vitamins – and we’re told they’re essential – but why do really need them and why can’t we produce them on our own? These are a few questions on the mind of intrepid filmmak...
After Porn Ends, is a documentary that not only examines the lives and careers of some of the biggest names in the history of the adult entertainment industry; but what happens to them after they le...
After Porn Ends 是一部纪录片,不仅考察了成人娱乐业历史上一些大腕的生活和事业;但是在他们离开公司并尝试过上数百万其他美国人所享受的“正常”生活后,他们会发生什么。他们来自南部农村、钢铁城镇和圣费尔南多山谷。作为青少年和年轻人,他们中没有人认为色情是他们的未来。他们是艺术家、棒球运动员、神童,甚至是常春藤名校。现在,在他们的色情生活之后;他们是电视明星、赏金猎人、作家和社会活动家。中...