萨曼莎(凯特·玛拉 Kate Mara 饰)是某高中校报的记者,她因报道校队的丑闻而被列入禁止参加返校节的黑名单,她的两位好友金娜和明迪(Olesya Rulin 饰)也一同遭殃。三个女孩无所事事,聚在一起讲故事打发时光。她们先是讲述了1969年盐湖城一个名叫玛丽的乖乖女被校队成员杀害的传说,随后又提到了恐怖的“血腥玛丽”。在此之后,三个女孩神秘消失,次日则在郊区的废弃工厂出现。虽然当事人认定...
Nerve-tingling story revolving around an old house which has lain empty for 20 years, guarding the secrets of unsolved mysteries and murders committed within its silent walls. But now the house is a...
When Gem (Erica Hubbard) decided to invite her long-lost friend to be the Maid of Honor in her wedding, Allen (Brad James), her fiancé, had no clue he'd be meeting Kiya (Altovise Lawrence), a wildly...