Follows Morgan, a single mother of three with a brilliant mind, as she rearranges some evidence during her shift as a cleaner for the police department, aiding in the resolution of an unsolvable cas...
HBO Max的半小时剧《爱芯 Made for Love》改编自Alissa Nutting的同名小说,S.J. Clarkson及Patrick Somerville负责此项目。 包含黑色﹑报仇﹑离婚等题材的《爱芯》讲述30多岁的女主Hazel Green(Cris tin Milioti饰)逃离了丈夫Byron Gogol,因为这个反社会人格的科技界亿万富翁是个渴求关怀﹑不稳定的人,而...
Follows Morgan, a single mother of three with a brilliant mind, as she rearranges some evidence during her shift as a cleaner for the police department, aiding in the resolution of an unsolvable case....
HBO Max将制作《欲望都市》的10集复活限定剧,剧名定为《就这样... And Just Like That…》。故事将讲述Carrie、Miranda和Charlotte面对50多岁的复杂人生和友谊。 Sarah Jessica Parker、Kristin Davis和Cynthia Nixon确认回归,Kim Cattrall缺席。回归的三人将和电影版编导Michael Patrick...