影片以重复加碎片式的感官叙事手法,讲述了年迈且身患疾病的安东尼(安东尼·霍普金斯 Anthony Hopkins 饰)正在面临一项艰难的人生选择——是搬到养老院还是接受女儿寻找的新护工。在这个过程中,安东尼发现自己仿佛进入了一场奇怪的时空之旅,错乱的记忆和时间线交织出一段段匪夷所思的故事,而一个个陌生又熟悉的人也让他陷入迷茫。...
丹(迈克尔·道格拉斯 Michael Douglas 饰)拥有着人人羡慕的幸福家庭,他和妻子贝丝(安妮·阿彻 Anne Archer 饰)之间的感情稳固而又长久,女儿艾伦(Ellen Hamilton Latzen 饰)更是机灵可爱。一次偶然中,不只是鬼迷心窍还是怎地, 丹竟然和一个名叫艾利克斯(格伦·克洛斯 Glenn Close 饰)的女人有了一段露水情缘,回家后面对妻儿,丹的内心充满了愧...
A team of loggers discover a meth cook site in the middle of the forest and are forced to fight for their lives while being hunted by a drug cartel....
A team of loggers discover a meth cook site in the middle of the forest and are forced to fight for their lives while being hunted by a drug cartel....
A team of loggers discover a meth cook site in the middle of the forest and are forced to fight for their lives while being hunted by a drug cartel....