An emotionally adrift young woman forges an unexpected friendship with a wilderness guide when she and her fiancé take a summer holiday in Jackson Hole, WY...
Martin Bristol returns to where it all began: the home where he was kidnapped from. But he is not the boy who disappeared over 10 years ago. Tortured and abused at the hands of his psychotic captor, G...
在所有人的眼里,西蒙(Ian Michael Smith 饰)是一个奇迹,刚刚出生的只有拳头一般大的他当即被医生判了死刑,可捏着这张死亡通知单,西蒙神奇的从嗷嗷待哺的婴孩成长为了12岁的少年。虽然西蒙矮小的身材常常遭到周遭伙伴的歧视和嘲笑,但他依然保有了一颗善良和真诚的内心。 作为西蒙的好友,乔(约瑟夫·梅泽罗 Joseph Mazzello 饰)有一个一直困扰着他的烦恼,成长于单亲家庭的他十...