过气的好莱坞名星乔伊·斯科特(丹尼尔·克雷格 Daniel Craig 饰)在位于马布里海滩的豪宅内独自生活,来这里的客人除了妓女就是毒贩。他的生活似乎陷入了万劫不复的泥潭,新欢留下了一只该死的狗害他心烦意乱,惟一还可以和他交流的女佣因无法忍受他糜烂的生活决定辞职,连他的经纪人也对他冷言冷语甚至直接炒他的鱿鱼。正当他的生活陷入前所未有的困顿之时却意外接到他母亲的电话,电话里告知他童年玩伴博茨的死讯...
This British espionage thriller centers on a team of MI-5 counter-terrorist spies collectively known as 'Spooks' because of the shadowy nature of their existence. Technically speaking, Spook...
Jim Gordon and Bruce Wayne face the chaos Gotham City has become, as villains who survived the attack on the city begin to resurface and claim various territories; Selina Kyle grapples with how to dea...