The series centres around crime syndicates that temporarily release contracted prison inmates to carry out political assassinations for those in power, except that the crime syndicates are run by po...
Kevin Hart - playing a version of himself - is on a death-defying quest to become an action star. And with a little help from John Travolta, Nathalie Emmanuel, and Josh Hartnett - he just might pull i...
狮子亚历克斯他们在马达加斯加的快乐故事仍在继续。而另一边厢,那四只调皮捣蛋的企鹅:沉着冷静的老大(Tom McGrath 配音)、脑瓜机灵的技术狂卡哇伊(Jeff Bennett 配音)、单纯而超梦的菜鸟(James Patrick Stuart 配音)以及疯狂危险的凉快(John DiMaggio 配音)却回到了纽约动物园。虽然平时被关在笼中,但这根本难不住技能互补的企鹅四兄弟,在繁华的国际...
狮子亚历克斯他们在马达加斯加的快乐故事仍在继续。而另一边厢,那四只调皮捣蛋的企鹅:沉着冷静的老大(Tom McGrath 配音)、脑瓜机灵的技术狂卡哇伊(Jeff Bennett 配音)、单纯而超梦的菜鸟(James Patrick Stuart 配音)以及疯狂危险的凉快(John DiMaggio 配音)却回到了纽约动物园。虽然平时被关在笼中,但这根本难不住技能互补的企鹅四兄弟,在繁华的国际...
洗心革面之后,格鲁(史蒂夫·卡瑞尔 Steve Carell 配音)作为特工成绩斐然,却因未能打败坏小子巴萨扎·布莱德(崔·帕克Trey Parker 配音)而被新局长扫地出门。就在此时,他收到一封远方来信,这才得知自己原来还有一个双胞胎兄弟德鲁(史蒂夫·卡瑞尔 Steve Carell 配音)。在德鲁盛情邀请下,格鲁带着妻子露西•王尔德(克里斯汀·韦格 Kristen Wiig 配音)以及玛戈(...