A psychological thriller, based on true events that occurred, following two female students to New York. As they arrive at their rental home, 625 River Rd, a chain of mysterious events take place that...
When a beautiful young influencer survives a mysterious shark attack, she becomes a monstrous apex predator, hunting and feeding in sunny Venice beach, California....
When a city is terrorized by a sadistic serial killer, a seasoned detective and a newly recruited paramedic discover the key to stopping the bloodshed lies in unlocking the truth of their own haunte...
Don Eppes是洛杉矶FBI探员,他和他那具备超乎常人头脑的数学天才弟弟Charlie一起侦破了在洛杉矶发生的大范围严重罪案。《数字追凶》通过一个个案例,反映数学理论是如何被应用到警方的调查之中,从而破解一件件匪夷所思的罪案。 在本剧中,您将继续看到数学这个看似平常的工具是如何解决一件件大案。...