Le Mystère de la Tour Eiffel 是法国导演 Julien Duvivier (Pépé le Moko, La Belle Equipe) 的一部壮观的冒险电影。它讲述了天真的马戏团艺术家阿基里斯·萨图宁的故事,他的商业伙伴偷了他的文件,冒充他,导致萨图宁错过了一笔巨额遗产。当犯罪集团 Ku Klux Eiffel 的成员也将目光投向财富时,土星似乎注定要失败。但随后萨图...
本片取材于真人真事。故事讲述被判死刑的男主人公弗朗西斯(弗朗索瓦·莱特瑞尔 François Leterrier饰)在临刑前的几个小时内,如何成功越狱地扣人心弦的故事。为逃脱纳粹监狱,弗朗西斯策划了一场天衣无缝的逃亡计划。为确保计划万无一失,他不仅做足越狱准备,还在仅有的洗漱空挡,多次跟隔壁囚室的狱友联络,试图找到共同实施计划的同盟。可还没来得及他准备好一切时,就被判立刻执行死刑。最终他毅然带着年...
Two men, two brothers, their childhood home in Lower Austria. They drink to their late mother, they bury her. Then they drive back to their real lives. One back to Romania, to resume living his newly ...
A workman is accidentally sent into outer space, where he meets an alien that can make himself invisible. They return to Earth in the year 2447. Complications ensue....