1. The Book of Life 第一集 生命之书 简介: 基因,地球上一切具细胞结构的生命的共同点和差异点。整部地球生命史被篆刻在每一种生物的DNA中,生命之书由DNA密码书写的基因构成。基因造就了我们,我们也塑造了基因,基因保存着我们的过去,也预示着我们的将来。漫漫进化之路上,基因的千变万化让地球生命得以多姿多彩。基因的四倍化使脊椎动物登上进化舞台,主宰了如今的生物世界,减数分...
Adam Rutherford meets a new creature created by American scientists - the spider-goat. It is part goat, part spider, and its milk can be used to create artificial spider's web.
It is part of a n...
This episode looks at the issues that will change the way we live our lives in the future. Rather than relying on the minds of science fiction writers, mathematician Hannah Fry delves into the data we...
这一集着眼于将改变我们未来生活方式的问题。数学家汉娜弗莱没有依赖科幻作家的思想,而是深入研究我们今天拥有的数据,以提供基于证据的明天愿景。在 BBC 科学专家和几位惊喜嘉宾的帮助下,汉娜调查了英国公众希望回答的有关未来的问题。汉娜试图发现我们是否可以永远活着,或者是否有治愈癌症的方法。她发现了对人类大脑的研究有朝一日如何有助于心理健康,以及是否有可能放弃化石燃料。汉娜和她的客人还发现了交通的未来—...
Jude, a college literature professor, falls for one of his students. She is more interested in the empirical experience of a relationship with a man whose life is ruled by the themes of the Russian ...