玛丽(朱迪斯•戴维斯 Judith Davis 饰)从乡下来到法国里昂国家音乐学院进修钢琴演奏,借住在童年好友艾玛(伊希尔•勒•贝斯柯 Isild Le Besco 饰)的公寓里。儿时很害羞少语的艾玛长大后变得成熟自信,让玛丽深深着迷,产生了不一样的感情。玛丽所在的学院学期末考核要求学生必须弹奏舒曼的狂欢节外加两首自选歌曲,因为课程上高标准的要求,玛丽不得不牺牲很多娱乐时间来严格练习钢琴。因而她大...
A struggling fashion designer takes on a job working as a personal shopper for a successful erotic novelist. Things get steamy between them, but soon they will be confronted by someone who knows abo...
Nova ScienceNow examines the question of whether we can live forever. It looks scientists who are exploring hibernation and building organ replacements and profiles computer scientist Jason Leigh.