在经历了市区暴乱的洗礼后,一干警校学员顺利毕业。此时,拉萨德校长的兄弟皮特警长正为自己辖区内居高不下的犯罪率发愁,警局无钱无人,而警校毕业生就成了支援的最好人选,马哈尼(斯蒂夫•古根伯格 Steve Guttenberg 饰)、乔维、泰克布雷、黑巨人高塔等六人迅速到岗。皮特被限时在一个月内改善治安环境,否则就面临撤职。布特的部下毛瑟心怀鬼胎,认为这是取而代之的好机会,时时不忘嘲讽初出茅庐的马哈...
Jane is trapped in an unknown world with endless possibilities. She has to discover a way to access them and alter her reality before she is destined to repeat the same test over and over again, Ad In...
The demonic forces in the haunted Long Island house escape through a mystical lamp which finds its way to a remote California mansion where the evil manipulates a little girl by manifesting itself in ...
A delusional misfit becomes suicidal when his favorite TV show is cancelled. An agent promises to make him a TV star if he kills certain people, so he becomes The Baby Mask Killer....
After a car accident and stranded in the middle of nowhere, an ex-con and his daughter find themselves in an abandoned hotel, populated by sub-human cannibalistic creatures....