这是一个未来的世界,天下已经由机器人来操控。机器人想完全占有这个世界,把人类赶尽杀绝,然而却遇到了顽强抵抗的人类精英康纳。于是,终结者机器人T-800(阿诺•施瓦辛格 Arnold Schwarzenegger饰)受命回到1984年,杀害康纳母亲莎拉(琳达•汉密尔顿 Linda Hamilton 饰),目的是灭掉康纳的出生。 康纳得知后,火速派战士雷斯(迈克尔•比恩 Michael Biehn...
Sex cowboys is a travel inside our generation, the lost generation, destined to live without a permanent employment, a fixed home and a defined lifestyle. The characters of this travel are nomadic, pr...
Annie just graduated college. As she falls into an aimless summer, she finds herself entangled with Tyler, a woman she meets at a bar and Danny, Tyler's co-worker or best friend or…? Annie can never...
The series centers on Julio Lopez, a punk-ass bitch with a heart of gold who goes out of his way to help everyone but himself. Inspired by the life and stand-up comedy of star, co-creator and real-lif...
退役前,邦·汉姆(汤米·李·琼斯 Tommy Lee Jones 饰)是一名特种兵训练教官,凭借着自己出色的身手和丰富的野外生存经验,邦·汉姆训练出了一支战斗力和破坏力的极其强大的特种精英部队。城市周边发生的几起谋杀案让居民们陷入了恐慌,负责该案件的女探员艾比(康妮·尼尔森 Connie Nielsen 饰)找到了早已远离江湖的邦·汉姆,希望他能够协助她破案。 经过了一些列的调查和追踪,邦·...
近未来,法国巴黎黑势力横行,以大毒枭塔哈(Bibi Naceri 饰)为首的黑帮更是横行无忌,连当地警方都惧怕三分。软弱的警方无法对抗势力强悍的黑帮,只能用围墙和工事将不法分子所在的区域隔离。在这个被称为“13区”的地方,鱼龙混杂,暗流涌动。年轻的小混混雷托(David Belle 饰)拒绝塔哈的毒品生意,双方发生激烈冲突。雷托原本将塔哈扭送警察局,结果遭到腐败警察的算计。塔哈不仅逍遥法外,雷托的...
After having a fight with Danny, Sam utters the words "There are days I wish I never met you" as she leaves. This wish is granted by Deisree, and the next day, Sam discovers that Danny has...