Explores the iconic actor's journey to stardom through his relationships with his mother and four wives, including Lauren Bacall, using rare footage and his own narration to offer an intimate portra...
Chicago book editor Sarah heads back to her Amish family farm. With the help of a handsome local outsider, Dean, a friend of the Amish, they hope to save her family's bakery....
这是一个未来的世界,天下已经由机器人来操控。机器人想完全占有这个世界,把人类赶尽杀绝,然而却遇到了顽强抵抗的人类精英康纳。于是,终结者机器人T-800(阿诺•施瓦辛格 Arnold Schwarzenegger饰)受命回到1984年,杀害康纳母亲莎拉(琳达•汉密尔顿 Linda Hamilton 饰),目的是灭掉康纳的出生。 康纳得知后,火速派战士雷斯(迈克尔•比恩 Michael Biehn...