Emma Bovary is bored by her country doctor husband and gives in to the affections of several rich suitors as well as the temptation of living beyond her husband's means....
加拿大绿宝石国家公园生活着两群完全不相来往的两群狼,其中凯特(海顿·潘妮蒂尔 Hayden Panettiere 配音)是西部狼群首领的女儿,对她来说原则、职责和责任重于一切;亨弗雷(贾斯汀·朗 Justin Long 配音)则来自另一个狼群,成天嘻嘻哈哈,无忧无虑,是个享受派。凯特即将嫁给东部狼群首领的儿子加斯(克里斯·卡马克 Chris Carmack 配音),并不是为了爱情,而是为了阻止两只...
Yiannis doesn’t have much going for him, save for his adorable dog, Jimi, and his fast-approaching date to get out of Cyprus for good. But when Jimi wanders across the U.N. buffer zone and into the se...
中世纪一个聚集着精灵的小山村,正义的魔法师卡尔多夫(吉姆·库宁斯 Jim Cummings 配音)驱逐了邪恶而法术高强的女巫德里泽达(薇姬·刘易斯 Vicki Lewis 配音)。德里泽达无法匹敌,恨恨逃走,而她那不谙世事、单纯善良的侄女雅典娜(凯莉·斯泰堡丝 Kelly Stables 配音)则获准留了下来。在此期间,雅典娜还收养了小猫汤姆和老鼠杰瑞。雅典娜敏感的身份以及经常惹祸的猫和老鼠,让女...