Explores the iconic actor's journey to stardom through his relationships with his mother and four wives, including Lauren Bacall, using rare footage and his own narration to offer an intimate portra...
The story about a man who's trying to get rid of his memories from his past. He grew up in an upperclass-family in a castle and now revisits the castle with his fioncee....
凯瑟琳(英格丽·褒曼 Ingrid Bergman 饰)和亚历山大(乔治·桑德斯 George Sanders 饰)是一对结婚多年的英国夫妇,他们过着衣食无忧的生活,但是这样的生活里缺少了一些幸福和快乐。叔叔去世后给两人留下了一座别墅,于是,夫妻两人驱车前往那不勒斯去处理这份天降遗产。