Lazareth follows Lee (Ashley Judd), an aunt whose life mission is to protect her orphaned nieces, Imogen and Maeve, from a self-destructing world, raising them in isolation until an outsider threatens...
The team's camping break is interrupted when a pod crashes nearby. The occupant has no memory who she is or where she came from. Sunder soon arrives to retrieve her....
华盛顿警官亚历克斯·克洛斯(摩根·弗里曼 Morgan Freeman饰)是警方的一名心理咨询专家。他突然接到在北卡罗来纳州达勒姆小镇上学的侄女失踪的消息。为了找到侄女,亚历克斯决定一探究竟。然而当他到达当地警察局后,亚历克斯发现这里已经连续失踪了多名少女,自己的侄女只是受害者之一,她们无一例外的都是既聪明又漂亮的优秀女孩。死里逃生的女医生凯特·麦克蒂尔南(艾什莉·贾德 Ashley Judd饰)...