Voltage Pictures拿下艾玛·罗伯茨、海登·克里斯滕森主演的浪漫爱情片[小意大利](Little Italy,暂译)的国际销售权。该片由唐纳德·佩特瑞([倒霉爱神])执导,故事类似现代版罗密欧与朱丽叶,讲述一名见习厨师同一位餐厅老板坠入爱河。他们父亲是商业死对头,母亲却是秘密的闺中好友。...
A typical weekend down the shore takes a bizarre turn into the mysterious New Jersey Pine Barrens as six girls and five obnoxious fist-pumpers become the unsuspecting targets of a mentally-deranged ki...
本片讲述的是一位落魄大厨和一位美女小说作家意外邂逅而碰擦出爱情火花的动人故事 A celebrity chef who is getting over a bad review and a romance novelist who can't seem to get her next book started meet accidentally at a French villa. (正在采用...