Gawain was a squire in King Arthur's court when the Green Knight burst in and offered to play a game with a brave knight. No knights stand to defend their king's honor. Except for the valian...
1978年版的电影由克里斯托弗·里夫饰演,他一共饰演了四个版本《超人》系列电影。 氪星即将毁灭之际,为保持种族的延续,科学家乔·艾尔通过飞船将他尚在襁褓中的儿子卡尔(克里斯托弗·里夫 Christopher Reeve 饰)送往地球。卡尔被地球上的肯特夫妇抚养成人,改名为克拉克,他具有超人的能力,将成为地球上正义和真理的守护者。长大了的卡尔来到大都市,成为《行星日报》的记者。平时,他是温文尔雅的普...
Justin returns from living abroad in the hope of reconnecting with the biological daughter that he gave up for adoption. His plans go awry when he finds out his father left the family cottage to his s...