The film stars Libuse Safránková as the title character, a young woman who is put upon by her stepmother and stepsisters. The film employs a twist, though, when a handsome prince comes knocking. Cinde...
Marta may be an orphan, and she may be affected by a lethal illness, yet she is the most positive person one can meet. She wants a boy to fall for her. Not any boy - the most handsome of them all. One...
对于混乱的生活状况,艾德里安(戴安·琳恩 Diane Lane 饰)感到无能为力,每天看着脾气像牛一样倔强的丈夫和正直叛逆期的女儿,她唯一能够想到的对策就是逃跑。就这样,内心里伤痕累累的艾德里安来到了罗丹岛,她的朋友在这里开了一家小旅馆,在帮忙照看旅馆的同时,艾德里安希望能够借助岛上如诗如画的美丽风景来平复受伤的心灵。 初来乍到,艾德里安感到一切都和沉闷的往日不同,那样的清新和美好,而随之而...