Based on a true story. 1996, open sea. During his shift on a transatlantic ship’s deck, Joel, a religious Filipino sailor, discovers Dumitru, a Romanian stowaway hidden between some containers. If h...
Jennifer is an Australian girl on the run from her past who washes up in Amsterdam. In a desperate attempt to stay one step ahead of the authorities, she joins a coach-load of tourists embarking on a ...
A woman who escaped her abusive father as a teen must return to settle the affairs of the family vineyard upon his death. She finds that the dark secrets she left behind have only festered and black...
这是一部谍中谍式的电影,不过主角换成了狙击手。美国退役优秀狙击手鲍勃(马克•沃尔伯格 Mark Wahlberg 饰)正在阿肯色州享受退役后的休闲时光,不料,平地生波,他的前上司前来拜访他,希望他能接受一项新的任务――在总统街头演讲那天充当隐形狙击手暗中保护总统。虽然十万分不情愿,但禁不住上司的游说,鲍勃最终答应了。总统演讲那天,鲍勃正在仔细观察着四周情况时,突然会场遭到枪手袭击,总统身边的衣...