本片是以美国“911”事件为背景的灾难片,故事重现了当时那场突如其来的灾难。9月11日的一个美妙清晨,消防总署突然警铃大作,接到世贸中心遭到恐怖袭击而倒塌的消息后,消防警员约翰·迈克洛林(尼古拉斯·凯奇 Nicolas Cage 饰)和同事们立即整装赶赴现场,摆在他们眼前的是一幅幅惨绝人寰的画面,坍塌的大厦冒着浓烟,受伤的人们在痛苦地呻吟。为了营救被困在世贸中心里面的人,约翰不顾残楼摇摇欲坠的危险...
In 1997, scientists and local government officials face life-and-death decisions when a destructive flood wave threatens the city. The local authorities, led by the aspiring clerk Jakub Marczak, bri...
"The One" tells the incredible and true story of a young woman who survived a fall from more than 5 km. Wounded and hurt, she had to struggle several days in the wilderness before being re...
A genetics professor clones his dead wife, over and over, in a desperate attempt to get her back exactly as she was. 一位遗传学教授一遍又一遍地克隆着他死去的妻子,想让她完全恢复原貌。...