银河帝国再建威力更大的新“死星”,试图彻底消灭抵抗力量。卢克•天行者(马克•哈米尔 Mark Hamill 饰)派机器人R2-D2和C-3PO前往塔图因星贾霸处协商交换被冷冻的韩•索罗(哈里森•福特饰)未果;后在莉亚公主(卡里•费什尔 Carrie Fisher 饰),猿人丘巴卡(彼得•梅林 Peter Mayhew 饰)和蓝多•卡瑞辛(比利•迪•威廉姆斯 Billy Dee Williams...
变种人天启(奥斯卡·伊萨克 Oscar Isaac 饰)诞生于人类文明的最开端,被人类当做神一般敬仰膜拜,然而,这样的他,却遭到了他最蔑视的人类的背叛,被埋葬于废墟石砾之下,一晃眼就是数千年过去。 一场意外使得沉睡千年的天启从混沌中醒来,重返人间的他却发现曾经高贵的变种人,如今境遇十分糟糕。为了创造一个属于变种人的新世界,他找到了暴风女(亚历山德拉·西普 Alexandra Shipp 饰)...
Brilliant but emotionally guarded Caro Drake arrives in Oxford with the singular goal of attaining her PhD - but through a turbulent friendship with a charming young man, Caro begins to open herself u...
Ryan Murphy dropped a teaser for a new series titled Grotesquerie in an Instagram post (see it below) on Friday. According to the post, it will star Niecy Nash-Betts — who has worked with Murphy sever...
Written by the director himself, the story revolves around an “absent” hero: an astronaut lost in the emptiness of space. His absence is spoken about indirectly here, from planet Earth. He was the n...
美国FBI探员福克斯·穆德(大卫·杜楚尼 David Duchovny 饰)童年时曾经历一起离奇神秘的绑架案,他的妹妹萨曼莎在睡梦中被外星人劫持,至今下落不明。从此穆德便专注于神秘事件的研究,并专门负责FBI总部的X档案部门。因穆德行事乖张,难以驾驭。FBI高层从联邦调查局学院调来女性探员黛娜·斯科莉(吉莲·安德森 Gillian Anderson 饰),表面上是协助穆德工作,实际上是希望这名...