一位是作风矫健、机智幽默的联邦特工威斯特(威尔·史密斯 Will Smith 饰),一位是爱耍聪明的易容大师高登(凯文·克莱恩 Kevin Kline 饰),这两个看似一山不容二虎的狠角色却被总统同时召见了,原因是授命他们一同追捕一名神秘毒辣的科学家连环杀手。威斯特和高登只好在摩擦碰撞中培养默契,竟然很快成为一对绝配拍档。经过调查,两人发现原来幕后黑手竟然是曾经的天才博士勒弗里斯(肯尼思·布拉...
讲述了纹身师菅受警方委托调查商人和政客神秘谋杀案的故事。坎跟踪刺客兄弟法德尔和拜森,他们也经营着一家餐馆。当菅直人发现自己爱上了拜辛时,事情发生了转折。与此同时,法德尔被一个名叫斯泰尔的汽车修理工抓住了。 It follows the story of a tattoo artist, Kan, who is tasked by the police to dig into the myste...
A washed-up Irish boxer named Kid Snow is finally faced with a chance to redeem himself when he is offered a rematch against the man he fought a decade prior, on a night that changed his life foreve...
A suburban woman fights to be believed as she finds herself stalked by a threatening figure who returns to her house night after night. When she can't get help from those around her, she is forced...